Jun.-Prof. Stefan Mönch

December 18, 2023 /

Junior Professor Stefan Mönch starts at the iew in the new research group ‘Smart converters for emission-free mobility of the future’.

Welcome Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Mönch!

We are pleased to introduce Stefan Mönch as a new member of the iew. Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Mönch has started his junior professorship at the iew this week. The newly founded research group

Smart converters for emission-free mobility of the future

will research efficient power electronics and integrated intelligent components. This professorship is made possible by the InnovationCampus Future Mobility .

The University of Stuttgart, in particular the iew, is delighted to welcome this new member, who will undoubtedly enrich the scientific environment. We warmly welcome Mr Stefan Mönch and look forward to the exciting developments he will contribute to the scientific world.

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