Student Theses

Here you can find out everything about the content and organisation of our student theses.

Assignment for Student Theses

Below you find a list of currently open topics for student thesis at IEW. If you are interested in a topic from the list, please contact the respective supervisor directly. The email address of the supervisor can be found in the respective topic sheet.

Open Topics

2024-11-18 14:15

Smart and efficient power electronics for emission-free mobility of the future

Type of Thesis: BA, FA, SA, MA Start: immediately
Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Stefan Mönch Tags: Leistungselektronik, Elektromobilität, smarte Converter, emissionsfreie Anwendungen


2024-11-18 14:16

Efficient Power Electronics for Electrocaloric Heat Pumps or Soft Robotics

Type of Thesis: BA, FA, SA, MA Start: immediately
Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Stefan Mönch Tags: Leistungselektronik, Wärmepumpen, Soft Robotics, smarte Converter, emissionsfreie Anwendungen

No suitable topic there?

Via the following link you will find an application form to apply for a student theses on your own initiative. Thereby you will be registered with your interests and eventually supervisors with suitable topics will contact you.

Application Form

FAQ's About Student Research Projects at IEW

Search for a suitable topic in the "Open Theses" list above. If you are interested in a topic, contact the respective supervisor from the topic sheet directly. The final assignment of topics is done by the supervisors.

If there is no suitable topic, you can submit an initiative application via the ILIAS course.

As soon as you receive the confirmation from the supervisor. With your acceptance thereof, we assume bindingly that the topic is worked on by you.

For general questions about student theses at IEW

This image shows Adrian Schäfer, M.Sc.

Adrian Schäfer, M.Sc.


Research Associate

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